I love to lie back and close my eyes
when listening to beautiful music.
The subtle harmonies and
running lines intertwined,
soothe my mind and transport me
with each wafted note.
The sounds of nature feel, smell, and taste
like a distant symphony-
the reeling song of coyotes
circling around some unseen campfire,
joined in tribal pow wow.
Quiet at first, a woman’s throaty cry
rises in joyful expression
followed by men and children
not to be outdone.
One, then another voice adds
counterpoint, harmony, dissonance - each gives
vitality and sincerity to what I hear.
Their fur-covered heads, thrown skyward,
releases a heart full of sound.
Ears like feathers erect in the moonlight.
“Come join me - Gather in my circle,”
as family around a piano.
“Sing this song.” “Do you know… ?”
Sing until every familiar tune is exhausted.
Make your own harmony, descant,
and aria. Sing out of sheer pleasure!
This is the coyote chorus.
Any may listen… or none,
for they sing for themselves.
I lean back, close my eyes, and listen.
Plover Lover – October 2009
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Monday, October 26, 2009
Success! Thanks to Community Effort
Who you goin' to call?
Well, not ghost busters. The Karval community hosted an impressive half-day for Partners for Conservation. Visitors from several states converged on the town. Ranchers, government agency representatives, and local students let the world know where Karval was.
Russell Davis' Ranch hosted these folks throughout the afternoon. Karval High School students presented the RAW (Ranching and Wildlife) youth program for these dignitaries and impressed the crowd with their abilities. Ranching skills were demonstrated by Cole on horse back; Abby and Max showed branding and ear tagging; Mr. Jones led a roping demonstration; pond ecology of the prairie was described by Taylor and David with fish, frogs, and turtles; shelters and nest building took place under the watchful eyes of Joni, Courtney, and Taylor; and a visit to the tree pasture added a bird of a different color. Fish and Wildlife and Division of Wildlife helped to catch critters and provided excellent help in putting it all together. Additional expert presentations from the conference members were given, and much was learned and experienced.
Later in the evening, a wonderful meal was prepared for these conference attendees. Local talent from the high school and community engaged the group with energy as they presented songs of many different genres. Fun and laughter were enjoyed by all, and a patriotic tribute to our unsung heroes in the military capped the evening's numbers. Those who shared were pleased to have been so warmly received.
Local art was taken home by participants, and money was earned for the school with photography auctioned to the eager audience. An event like this was only possible through the effort of the Karval Alliance members and community members who willingly put every part of this wonderful event together. To name one is too few. To name all impossible, for someone would surely be left out.
So a great big thanks for a day well worth the effort. This is why living in Karval is so much fun.
Well, not ghost busters. The Karval community hosted an impressive half-day for Partners for Conservation. Visitors from several states converged on the town. Ranchers, government agency representatives, and local students let the world know where Karval was.
Russell Davis' Ranch hosted these folks throughout the afternoon. Karval High School students presented the RAW (Ranching and Wildlife) youth program for these dignitaries and impressed the crowd with their abilities. Ranching skills were demonstrated by Cole on horse back; Abby and Max showed branding and ear tagging; Mr. Jones led a roping demonstration; pond ecology of the prairie was described by Taylor and David with fish, frogs, and turtles; shelters and nest building took place under the watchful eyes of Joni, Courtney, and Taylor; and a visit to the tree pasture added a bird of a different color. Fish and Wildlife and Division of Wildlife helped to catch critters and provided excellent help in putting it all together. Additional expert presentations from the conference members were given, and much was learned and experienced.
Later in the evening, a wonderful meal was prepared for these conference attendees. Local talent from the high school and community engaged the group with energy as they presented songs of many different genres. Fun and laughter were enjoyed by all, and a patriotic tribute to our unsung heroes in the military capped the evening's numbers. Those who shared were pleased to have been so warmly received.
Local art was taken home by participants, and money was earned for the school with photography auctioned to the eager audience. An event like this was only possible through the effort of the Karval Alliance members and community members who willingly put every part of this wonderful event together. To name one is too few. To name all impossible, for someone would surely be left out.
So a great big thanks for a day well worth the effort. This is why living in Karval is so much fun.
The weeks pass so quickly as fall blends into winter. The wind howls some days. The sun warm on other days. As seen in the last post the ice and storms of winter have come early. They don't last but serve as a reminder that this summer will end. As I watch the changes the serendipitous always occurs. This time it is large flocks of Sandhill Cranes. I wrote this after such a fortunate day.
The Day the Cranes Came
The golden glow of the afternoon sun
fell warm on my skin.
The frost of morning long since gone.
High overhead the ragged “V”
of cranes drifted.
Small groups sailed together
like grey flags connected by a string.
So many scattered across the sky
north, south, east, and west.
Where did they come from?
I watched them spiral ever onward
like the change of season
marked by calendar,frost,and wing.
Now nearer, just overhead-
each long neck stretched out as an arrow,
wings fletched these shafts,
feet nocked and launched.
What message did they carry?
A melancholy cry rose on the air.
Trumpeting their arrival-
one voice followed another chanting some ancient song,
all joined in intricate intervals.
The woven sound, loud,then soft, warbled,
and rang through the air.
"Winter is on the way"
as sure as the song of cranes.
Plover Lover – October 2009
The Day the Cranes Came
The golden glow of the afternoon sun
fell warm on my skin.
The frost of morning long since gone.
High overhead the ragged “V”
of cranes drifted.
Small groups sailed together
like grey flags connected by a string.
So many scattered across the sky
north, south, east, and west.
Where did they come from?
I watched them spiral ever onward
like the change of season
marked by calendar,frost,and wing.
Now nearer, just overhead-
each long neck stretched out as an arrow,
wings fletched these shafts,
feet nocked and launched.
What message did they carry?
A melancholy cry rose on the air.
Trumpeting their arrival-
one voice followed another chanting some ancient song,
all joined in intricate intervals.
The woven sound, loud,then soft, warbled,
and rang through the air.
"Winter is on the way"
as sure as the song of cranes.
Plover Lover – October 2009
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Crystal Wonderland
WOW! What a weekend of beauty. Nature's Ice Sculptures.
Sunday, October 4, 2009
I Heard the Corn Talking
My morning walk to school - so dark -
no moon to cast shadows in the dim predawn.
Only stars lit my path - so dark - little could be seen,
so quiet, no bird song, no hum of insect, no breeze felt on my bare hands, only the crunch of my feet on the dirt road gave life to the eerie expanse.
I rounded the corner-
I heard something unusual-
the corn field talking-
no I swear I heard them rattling on.
As I looked I saw only row upon row of khaki jackets and outstretched sleeves on tall slender frames. I turned away the sound intensified - did I catch motion out of the corner of my eye? I looked away, there. I looked back, it felt like a game of “Red Light, Green Light” with stalks of corn. I didn’t seem to be winning.
I heard dry parched throats hoarse, that crackled, and scratched faint soothing sounds. Calm voices whispered from row to row. They begged me to listen - to join them. The chorus continued as I paused now and then - until at last the sun made its grand appearance.
Then all fell silent - only a brown corn field remained, no games, no songs, and no whispers, only warm light bathed the tawny field and complemented the glowing red dawn spread as a blanket over them.
Every day I hope to catch the corn talking, bright stars shine above. My feet crunch a quiet warning. The corn, in hushed voices, tries to pretend they can fool me. Is it the song of the breeze on leaves or timid voices heard by sensitive ears? Come and listen.
Plover Lover
October 1, 2009
no moon to cast shadows in the dim predawn.
Only stars lit my path - so dark - little could be seen,
so quiet, no bird song, no hum of insect, no breeze felt on my bare hands, only the crunch of my feet on the dirt road gave life to the eerie expanse.
I rounded the corner-
I heard something unusual-
the corn field talking-
no I swear I heard them rattling on.
As I looked I saw only row upon row of khaki jackets and outstretched sleeves on tall slender frames. I turned away the sound intensified - did I catch motion out of the corner of my eye? I looked away, there. I looked back, it felt like a game of “Red Light, Green Light” with stalks of corn. I didn’t seem to be winning.
I heard dry parched throats hoarse, that crackled, and scratched faint soothing sounds. Calm voices whispered from row to row. They begged me to listen - to join them. The chorus continued as I paused now and then - until at last the sun made its grand appearance.
Then all fell silent - only a brown corn field remained, no games, no songs, and no whispers, only warm light bathed the tawny field and complemented the glowing red dawn spread as a blanket over them.
Every day I hope to catch the corn talking, bright stars shine above. My feet crunch a quiet warning. The corn, in hushed voices, tries to pretend they can fool me. Is it the song of the breeze on leaves or timid voices heard by sensitive ears? Come and listen.
Plover Lover
October 1, 2009
Sunday, September 20, 2009
I Sometimes Think of Clouds
As I drove home from church in Limon, I saw the very kind of clouds that bring me back to times in childhood where I would lie on my back and pretend I saw mythical creatures and even some common barnyard friends. I longed for the past, or at least a present with warm sun on my face, cool grass on my back, and a gentle breeze to carry my thoughts as high as the clouds. A couple of years ago, I wrote this poem after watching the clouds. You may need to use your imagination and float into my magical world.
Opalescent ice sculptures stood massive,
a power greater than themselves, concealed,
beautified and intensified by white hot edges.
I entered
I drifted through random figures
each soft frosted surface evolved,
intricate crystallized subtleties,
hanging from the blue tiles
milk flowed like fog spilled on the floor
ever changed,
works of art shattered by a thought,
melted by inattention
I touched hard lines of castles,
soft folds of fleece,
plump cheeks, round noses,
and angular sails,
a tree, a bird, a rabbit, a lion
carved deeply in ice
I floated by them,
the cotton candy scent drew me
nearer the boiling cold collection
amid the shifting menagerie
I saw a litter of kittens
tumble in the indigo paint
shades deepened, gray, mauve, azure, cobalt
the colors of the stormy sea
white capped edges,
foam and spume erupted over each piece
lying on my back warm in the sun
time ceased
one artist after another displayed their wares
towering toward the grassy jade sky
I looked down on them all and smiled
the sky prickled my back
I jumped down, content to know
I can visit again tomorrow
Plover Lover
July 21, 2007
Opalescent ice sculptures stood massive,
a power greater than themselves, concealed,
beautified and intensified by white hot edges.
I entered
I drifted through random figures
each soft frosted surface evolved,
intricate crystallized subtleties,
hanging from the blue tiles
milk flowed like fog spilled on the floor
ever changed,
works of art shattered by a thought,
melted by inattention
I touched hard lines of castles,
soft folds of fleece,
plump cheeks, round noses,
and angular sails,
a tree, a bird, a rabbit, a lion
carved deeply in ice
I floated by them,
the cotton candy scent drew me
nearer the boiling cold collection
amid the shifting menagerie
I saw a litter of kittens
tumble in the indigo paint
shades deepened, gray, mauve, azure, cobalt
the colors of the stormy sea
white capped edges,
foam and spume erupted over each piece
lying on my back warm in the sun
time ceased
one artist after another displayed their wares
towering toward the grassy jade sky
I looked down on them all and smiled
the sky prickled my back
I jumped down, content to know
I can visit again tomorrow
Plover Lover
July 21, 2007
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Summer Photos
I would like to share some of the summer's favorite photos. Many are the wonders of this particularly wet summer. The green held throughout and brought on billions of bugs and bushels of blooms. Some might call them weeds, but they are nevertheless beautiful. Yes, they make me sneeze, too. Hope you enjoy some of my summer fun. By the way, did you see the clouds today? Well, that is a tale for later in the week.
A Thrasher by any other name would still be Brown.
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Fox News
We took our baby along in the stroller and really enjoyed the time to talk and see what we could see. Some days, we saw the local birds in their favorite hang-outs. Sometimes, the horses would come across the field to greet us. On one special occasion, we saw a swift fox.
I wrote this posting in July and forgot to get it published on line. It was such an unusual experience to get so close and see the innocence of youth. No fear existed and the behavior seen was so personal. Our families met and shared a brief moment.
Monday, August 31, 2009
Who Stretched Forth the Heavens?
Our eyes finally adjusted to the nighttime sky; we began our individual tours, with a sky so big we didn’t have to share our own personal view. The Milky Way stretched out before us, more like a cloud obscuring our view of stars than billions of stars blurred together.
Lines of interested people waited for a chance to see a close up view of Jupiter, or a nebula, or even Neptune. Just as amazing were the constellations pointed out by knowledgeable guides with powerful laser pointers. There are no lines in the sky to help you see Sagittarius as a teapot; or Scorpius a twin-tailed scorpion; the Big Dipper directing us to Polaris in the Little Dipper; Cassiopeia the queen, a distorted W; Draco the Dragon snaking along; Cepheus the king, a tilted house. Who can follow the Dipper’s handle and arch over to Arcturus in the constellation Bootes and spike downward to Spica in Virgo? We all got the chance to try our hands at identifying constellations.
Millennia of stars, stories, and celestial events spread before us. The longer we looked, the more stars seemed to appear. We saw several satellites slowly trace a line across the sky. No evening could be complete without a few falling stars, flaming bits of interplanetary dust flashing brilliantly toward earth. Chatter with friends made the time spent even more spectacular.
Distant Thunder
Five Mile Falcons
It has been a rare treat to see a pair of Peregrine Falcons on county road S. Over the past two weeks, one then the other has positioned itself on the power pole five miles west of Karval. I never expected to see one - let alone two. I first saw the female with her dark head and brownish back. I thought it was a Prairie Falcon, more common in the area. I stopped to see her as she looked around and slowly lifted her wings in flight.
Then last week, I saw on the same pole what I thought was the same bird. When I got the car near and stopped, I could tell it was a male Peregrine Falcon - the black medieval mask dark against the white of the breast. I watched for several minutes before he took flight over the fields. The long, pointed wings - powerful like a jet fighter. I made a return to take a photo yesterday, and as would be expected, they were not there. However, I can still see them imprinted in my mind. Another amazing bird has been added to my Karval list.
Then last week, I saw on the same pole what I thought was the same bird. When I got the car near and stopped, I could tell it was a male Peregrine Falcon - the black medieval mask dark against the white of the breast. I watched for several minutes before he took flight over the fields. The long, pointed wings - powerful like a jet fighter. I made a return to take a photo yesterday, and as would be expected, they were not there. However, I can still see them imprinted in my mind. Another amazing bird has been added to my Karval list.
Back to School Marks the Gathering of Birds
We are now back in school- and busy is the operative word. So now the weeds are trying to gain ground again. We love the fresh produce and have enjoyed the corn finally ready to be slathered with butter and devoured. The beans and beets are now taking a back seat.
Every time we enter the garden the birds leave in small flocks. As the evenings cool and the days shorten, the birds begin to gather for the migration south. Congregating Lark Buntings are crowding the fence wires. Many large groups of Robins are in the neighborhood trees. In some of the rain-filled lowlands, small groups of shore birds are arriving. Some of the early immature birds getting a head start. Families of Swainson’s Hawks have taken rows of power poles. Burrowing Owls are still overseeing their favorite haunts.
Friday, July 10, 2009
Of Weeds and Things
A garden seems like a simple thing - turn the soil, plant the seed, let the sun shine, and wait. Then the sun shines and warms the earth. The early risers spring into action, but where are the corn and beans? A healthy crop of weeds tangle each row. Pull the thistle, kochia, grass and armfulls of unknown citizens. Finally, in the clean spaces, the corn and beans lift their heads. Squash, carrots, beets, and chard stretch upward and touch the sun.
Now the competition has begun. In each row, like painted lanes for a race, they jump into action. Weeds take the early lead in one row, while vegetables inch forward in another. So the summer proceeds. The hares-pace weeds always outdistance the tortoise stride of the produce. So I sit and watch the race...and weed. The removal of some doesn't seem to change the race much. There always comes a replacement hopping into action. The crops now strong and tall, dwarf the speedy weeds, putting every ounce of energy into growth. It just takes time, patience, and faith that the race will go to those who wait and weed.
Watering the Garden
The cool, clean stream of water
began its course down the row.
In the early morning light
the sun painted it silver-gold.
Like molten metal it flowed.
The thirsty soil clutched
and pulled at it.
So slowly the ribbon unrolled;
edges tripped and crawled
forward over piled grains.
The gentle curl of glass
wound around clumps of rock-hard clay
and lifted a leaf and carried an ant
on its back.
The saturated earth, now black,
pushed the stream on -
reaching, stretching, soaking
it inched.
Finally, at row's end,
the burnished trail shone brightly
from splashing entry to placid pool.
Its march now complete.
Plover Lover
July 10, 2009
Now the competition has begun. In each row, like painted lanes for a race, they jump into action. Weeds take the early lead in one row, while vegetables inch forward in another. So the summer proceeds. The hares-pace weeds always outdistance the tortoise stride of the produce. So I sit and watch the race...and weed. The removal of some doesn't seem to change the race much. There always comes a replacement hopping into action. The crops now strong and tall, dwarf the speedy weeds, putting every ounce of energy into growth. It just takes time, patience, and faith that the race will go to those who wait and weed.
Watering the Garden
The cool, clean stream of water
began its course down the row.
In the early morning light
the sun painted it silver-gold.
Like molten metal it flowed.
The thirsty soil clutched
and pulled at it.
So slowly the ribbon unrolled;
edges tripped and crawled
forward over piled grains.
The gentle curl of glass
wound around clumps of rock-hard clay
and lifted a leaf and carried an ant
on its back.
The saturated earth, now black,
pushed the stream on -
reaching, stretching, soaking
it inched.
Finally, at row's end,
the burnished trail shone brightly
from splashing entry to placid pool.
Its march now complete.
Plover Lover
July 10, 2009
Monday, June 15, 2009
Getting to Know You
Well, that is not really the story that I wanted to tell. When climbing fences and taking my time to find something to add to my plant collection, I found myself face-to-face with one of my very vocal neighbors (Cassin's Sparrow). So why not photograph him too? He must have known he was my subject for a special photo shoot today. At close range, he permitted some great poses. Although not brightly colored, nor unusual in appearance, his flight and song make him a real treat to see so closely. I always consider this a gift and always appreciate it. After taking many pictures and having front row seats to his flight display, I wanted to get a picture. I am finding it almost impossible to do with my digital camera. The shutter and autofocus seem never to be in sync. I sometimes get a blur of wings or a blank shot of the sky. Maybe that is why I take pictures of plants. They don't seem to leap out of way.
Is this sparrow only common like a weed, or is a weed a flower fit for framing? I only know that I will continue to collect beautiful things: weeds, flowers, sparrows, rocks, and images. My world is like a buffet with so many things to taste. I love to take some of everything, for I may find my new favorite, but will always come back to the common everyday things so familiar to me.
Friday, June 5, 2009
My Personal Air Show
I have spent more time in the yard this past couple of weeks since school let out. The garden is doing well and so are the weeds. We had some good heavy rain that saved me watering the yard, however it just about washed my garden out. I have hoped the plants know how to push through the mud that covers them. It has taken a few extra days but now they seem to be growing fine in sunny weather.
While in the yard a new song captured my attention. I finally got a look at the bird singing it. It is a sparrow that I was not familiar with. It has a long tail and nearly constant song. I had to take some time to identify it- so I took my camera out and did my best to get a picture of it. Its song identified it to be a Cassin's Sparrow. It is one of my new favorite birds. I love birds that sing with heart and soul. A song filled with joy and energy, not for any particular purpose, but just for fun. Their favorite stage is on top of a yucca, or a conveinent wire. I have only seen Cassin's Sparrows one other time, but now they are my constant companions singing, making my time in the yard more pleasant. Their early morning songs accompany my dreams, punctuate my work, and sing me to sleep at night.
They have no striking colors or patterns but have captured my admiration for two reasons. The first is their song which varies little and yet is a tune that gets stuck in your head. The second is their amazing flight display. I have to say it reminds me of a jet fighter landing on an aircraft Carrier. They launch themselves straight into the air and then with head reaching to the sky, feet stretched forward to the ground, tail cocked back as if a parachute land ever so gracefully in the weeds. They repeat this many times throughout the day. I appreciate the break from my yard work, which will assuredly be there after a bird break, and listen and watch.
One of the commonest visitors to the yard is the Horned Lark. They are not particularly concerned with my presence. They will land in the garden with me and sing their chime-like song, or find some fast food to nibble on.
Over the last few months I have learned to love the great maneuverability in flight they have. They are constantly on the road and seldom have a problem waiting till the last moment and darting off just in the nick of time. When with a partner they seem to delight in complicated synchronized flying- as if performing in a military air show. They carve their way across the fields. Flying low they veer suddenly upward and just as suddenly weave an intricate pattern with wing man tucked neatly in position, never missing a beat. Bursts of speed are followed by separation of the team, only to again resume the show. Was this show meant just for me, or simply a time to feel the wind beneath powerful wings and try something new, just because they can?
While in the yard a new song captured my attention. I finally got a look at the bird singing it. It is a sparrow that I was not familiar with. It has a long tail and nearly constant song. I had to take some time to identify it- so I took my camera out and did my best to get a picture of it. Its song identified it to be a Cassin's Sparrow. It is one of my new favorite birds. I love birds that sing with heart and soul. A song filled with joy and energy, not for any particular purpose, but just for fun. Their favorite stage is on top of a yucca, or a conveinent wire. I have only seen Cassin's Sparrows one other time, but now they are my constant companions singing, making my time in the yard more pleasant. Their early morning songs accompany my dreams, punctuate my work, and sing me to sleep at night.
They have no striking colors or patterns but have captured my admiration for two reasons. The first is their song which varies little and yet is a tune that gets stuck in your head. The second is their amazing flight display. I have to say it reminds me of a jet fighter landing on an aircraft Carrier. They launch themselves straight into the air and then with head reaching to the sky, feet stretched forward to the ground, tail cocked back as if a parachute land ever so gracefully in the weeds. They repeat this many times throughout the day. I appreciate the break from my yard work, which will assuredly be there after a bird break, and listen and watch.
One of the commonest visitors to the yard is the Horned Lark. They are not particularly concerned with my presence. They will land in the garden with me and sing their chime-like song, or find some fast food to nibble on.
Over the last few months I have learned to love the great maneuverability in flight they have. They are constantly on the road and seldom have a problem waiting till the last moment and darting off just in the nick of time. When with a partner they seem to delight in complicated synchronized flying- as if performing in a military air show. They carve their way across the fields. Flying low they veer suddenly upward and just as suddenly weave an intricate pattern with wing man tucked neatly in position, never missing a beat. Bursts of speed are followed by separation of the team, only to again resume the show. Was this show meant just for me, or simply a time to feel the wind beneath powerful wings and try something new, just because they can?
Thursday, May 28, 2009
The Smell of Rain
As I walked home from school one day. I was followed by a darkening sky and strengthening breeze-an approaching storm. The thick, black, velvet curtain was suddenly drawn across the sky behind me. "Can I make it home?" I made it only half way before I was caught in the rain. I love the rain and took a mental image-amazed by its many faces. Sometimes you can feel the rain coming and sometimes you can smell it. This is one of those times when the native smell of dessicated air is gradually replaced just before the storm. As I mulled over how to describe this image. These words gave life to what I saw and smelled.
The Smell of Rain
This land where water is scarce and the
pungent odor of dust rises up your nostrils
like the smell of empty grain sacks.
Stiff dry plants crackled under foot -
the browns of life wanting - filled the vast expanse.
Always a hint of grit in your teeth,
ever-drifting sands prowl looking for respite,
anchored only when slowed by some tenacious plant
somehow clinging to this land like a weathered homestead.
The hope of rain is eternal -
clouds carried by need and fervent prayer often build
and sail on without a single tear.
In this land rain is more precious than gold,
distant clouds black with rain drifted in with the promise of life.
Before she arrived, a cool assurance piqued my interest
as I stood and faced the wind and willed it forward.
The breeze delivered the welcome message -
the smell of rain approached - slow on turtle's feet.
This sun-baked land now drank deeply and grasped at her passing skirt.
As I walked, I now could smell the wet earth
alive with energy released by soaking rain.
The smell of life, of wet rain-filled soil
are better medicine than rest.
Each passing storm with hope and longing, taunts my memory,
and conjures up the image of the prairie alive with oceans of green,
sprinkled with constellations of blazing color.
The smell of rain proves this is no mirage -
but an awakening of the senses, and the earth.
Growth and hope are as secure in this land
as the unyielding plants that breathed deeply of the smell of rain.
Plover Lover
May 7, 2009
The Smell of Rain
This land where water is scarce and the
pungent odor of dust rises up your nostrils
like the smell of empty grain sacks.
Stiff dry plants crackled under foot -
the browns of life wanting - filled the vast expanse.
Always a hint of grit in your teeth,
ever-drifting sands prowl looking for respite,
anchored only when slowed by some tenacious plant
somehow clinging to this land like a weathered homestead.
The hope of rain is eternal -
clouds carried by need and fervent prayer often build
and sail on without a single tear.
In this land rain is more precious than gold,
distant clouds black with rain drifted in with the promise of life.
Before she arrived, a cool assurance piqued my interest
as I stood and faced the wind and willed it forward.
The breeze delivered the welcome message -
the smell of rain approached - slow on turtle's feet.
This sun-baked land now drank deeply and grasped at her passing skirt.
As I walked, I now could smell the wet earth
alive with energy released by soaking rain.
The smell of life, of wet rain-filled soil
are better medicine than rest.
Each passing storm with hope and longing, taunts my memory,
and conjures up the image of the prairie alive with oceans of green,
sprinkled with constellations of blazing color.
The smell of rain proves this is no mirage -
but an awakening of the senses, and the earth.
Growth and hope are as secure in this land
as the unyielding plants that breathed deeply of the smell of rain.
Plover Lover
May 7, 2009
Another School Year Is Over
So busy, that is all that can be said as any school year comes to a close. Final everything, final concert, final trips, final games, meets, tests, and graduation. All were a success in their own way.
My first year in Karval was a success and a great welcoming. I welcomed spring and warm weather. I welcomed planting the garden to the song of birds. I look forward to time to do yard work, study, plan, make curriculum, write poetry, read, bird watch, sing, hike, and play. It is finally here and first on the list- rest and get the garden in. Now that I have time, the home list continues to grow faster than the garden weeds. I am excited to have the summer to get things done one task at a time. It is wonderful to be a teacher and have time to get ready for the next year and reflect on the past.
My first year in Karval was a success and a great welcoming. I welcomed spring and warm weather. I welcomed planting the garden to the song of birds. I look forward to time to do yard work, study, plan, make curriculum, write poetry, read, bird watch, sing, hike, and play. It is finally here and first on the list- rest and get the garden in. Now that I have time, the home list continues to grow faster than the garden weeds. I am excited to have the summer to get things done one task at a time. It is wonderful to be a teacher and have time to get ready for the next year and reflect on the past.
Monday, May 11, 2009
Mountain Plover- Dreams
As the season transforms itself from spring, the call of the Mountain Plover is heard less often. The now familiar sound still brings me to attention. I hope to see the flight display again. It is hard to put into words the feelings one gets seeing something unusual and rare. It is like finding a buried treasure or climbing a mountain peak. The scene just can't be described, only experienced. The Falling Leaf Display, as it is called, is performed over the nesting grounds. The male flies into the air, plummets with wings held in a tight "V", and drifts back to earth. This repeated dance is accompanied by the call that echoes across the prairie as to say, "Whee, here I come... look at meee!" Oh, the things we will do to impress our lady friends. In a time of anticipation, I penned these words, hoping the real event would be as vivid as my imagination. They remind me of finding my own treasure and the crystal clear view standing on the mountain peak.
The Mountain Plover
From falling leaf to falling leaf
how strange it was…
I saw the plover flying near
up, up - on powerful wings they flew
So high its ascent,
almost beyond sight
then in an instant tumbled
down, down - as a wind-blown leaf might do
Then up again to higher points
it all began again
feathers ruffled, he plummeted
Swiftly, swiftly he blew
And many a hidden secret told
by the pattern of wing and tilt
what purple, what gems displayed for her
below, below - he knew
October 2008
Plover Lover
The Mountain Plover
From falling leaf to falling leaf
how strange it was…
I saw the plover flying near
up, up - on powerful wings they flew
So high its ascent,
almost beyond sight
then in an instant tumbled
down, down - as a wind-blown leaf might do
Then up again to higher points
it all began again
feathers ruffled, he plummeted
Swiftly, swiftly he blew
And many a hidden secret told
by the pattern of wing and tilt
what purple, what gems displayed for her
below, below - he knew
October 2008
Plover Lover
SBJ'S- Small Brown Jobs! Who Am I?
As I sat in my car on the far side of Karval lake a small visitor came and posed for me. I took several pictures and found him a challenge to Identify. Much smaller than the White-Crowned Sparrows that were in the Salt-Cedars with him. He had distinct markings on his face, and back. The streaked crown and color on the back ruled out Chipping Sparrow for me. The noticeable facial pattern made me question Brewer's Sparrow. They seem to have a less distinctively marked faces. Could this be a Clay-Colored Sparrow? Experts out there get out your field guides and give our SBJ a name. By the way his song was a low buzz of two to four syllables, much lower pitched than Chipping Sparrows. 

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